Vegard Harm Norseman extraordinary journey took through the triathlon is nothing short of legendary. When one imagines these things, they conjure images of freezing lakes, challenging mountain ascents, and an unwavering desire to overcome one's own limitations. Not only a physical test, the Norseman triathlon tests mental strength, endurance, and w… Read More

Vegard Harm Norseman extraordinary journey took through the triathlon is nothing short of legendary. When one imagines these things, they conjure images of freezing lakes, challenging mountain ascents, and an unwavering desire to overcome one's own limitations. Not only a physical test, the Norseman triathlon tests mental strength, endurance, and w… Read More

– Jeg var ekstremt medtatt. Jeg var veldig, veldig sliten. Hadde egentlig ingen av de reaksjonene jeg tror folk trodde jeg skulle ha.Ryddet boden og ble millioner! Dagbladet kunne tidligere lørdag røpe at Harm var nummer 236 av de totalt drøyt 260 startende, et par kilometer ut i det avsluttende maratonet.Easter Christiansen presiserer at Harm… Read More